A welcoming place for families in difficulty: the Harmony Center
Young people are not vessels to be filled, but fires to be kindled.
If there is a hope of salvation and help for humanity, this help can only come from the child, because man is built in him.

By carrying out educational, training, aggregative and psycho-social reintegration activities, we want to help minors and families in the area in precarious and uneasy conditions. We will not take care of individuals, but we will look at the entire family unit.
Some territorial problems such as delinquency, drug dealing and school dropout, combined with family problems, negatively affect children and young people. These situations require targeted projects and specific training courses. This is why our commitment aims to accustom children to express their emotions, to experience the sense of belonging to a territory and a community, develop a sense of responsibility for one's actions and participate in the construction of the collective good.
We want to develop a training course also addressed to parents, to support them in the difficulties they encounter in their personal and family journey.
For this reason, we organize meetings for the parents of the children involved in the after-school and laboratory activities.

The idea started from the analysis of the training needs of the area and of the stakeholders.
We have kept in mind, in fact, that the culture of the territory is so present in children that it determines their daily behaviors, activities, games, motivations, and aspirations: both positively and negatively.
For this reason, the planned activities are imagined as a single transversal path, aimed at realizing an experience of prevention, psycho-social reintegration, community and commitment. Man's nature is like a tree, which needs to grow and develop in every direction, according to the tendencies of the inner forces that make him a living person, the educator simply accompanies growth.

This project was born from the desire to create a social, educational model of intervention on children and young people in difficulty.
Our goal is to promote social integration and psycho-social reintegration through educational work. The school support we offer has the function of involving and attracting those families in difficulty who are very wary of the idea of receiving support and help.
By offering them an apparently neutral activity and after creating a good climate of trust, we can gradually approach deeper issues and thus propose more targeted interventions.
With particular attention to individual characteristics, children, in small groups, are guided to consider their commitment as important for academic and relational success and to strengthen self-esteem. For us, this is the battle that allows us to prepare young people to educate themselves in the course of their lives.
Bank Transfer
Banca Intesa San Paolo
Congregazione Suore della Provvidenza, Via Innocenzo IV n. 16 - 00167 Roma
Bank Transfer Reference: ITALIA-01
Postal payment
Account: 48548002
Congregazione Suore della Provvidenza, Via Innocenzo IV n. 16 - 00167 Roma.
Bank Transfer Reference: ITALIA-01